Monday, August 5, 2019

Washington Day Two

We decided, after our morning bike ride, to go into Washington again but this time to take the bicycles. Hugh headed off to the National Gallery of Art and I to the International Spy Museum. Having recently read Ben McIntyre’s “The spy and the traitor” about the KGB colonel recruited by the British (Oleg Gordievsky) I was interested to visit this new museum.

Following this we had lunch and bicycled around the National Mall.

The International Spy Museum had a great collection of the type of spy tools we have seen in James Bond Movies and stories of the many known spies from different countries. It even included a video of Stella Rimmington the MI5 chief who went on to write books when she retired.

This is an Enigma machine which was decoded by the British at Bletchley Park by Alan Turing and his team.

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