Friday, August 16, 2019

The FMCA Convention in Minot

It was the Family Motor coach Association’s 100th International Convention and Expo.  

I had registered before Hugh had decided to join me because it fitted into the timetable of traveling home.  I had been to one before with Penny who said she did not want to go to another one! I was concerned as to how much Hugh might enjoy it.

It is now day three and we will leave for home to-day. Hugh has found it quite enjoyable and has had conversations with some very interesting people (common interest in History, airplanes and other issues), and has learned a lot about RVing as well as looking through some amazingly luxurious coaches. It has greatly helped that we had our bicycles to come and go as we wished and get around the vast site. (The North Dakota State Fair Grounds).

For me what has been the most interesting is to be able to attend some of the many education seminars. Examples - Rooftop air conditioner maintainance; the top ten maintainance tips every RVer should know; understand, monitor and protect your RV electrical system etc. 

I have also benefited by visiting several vendor booths and have received helpful advice on : The towing hitch (bought a new one); the satellite dish; surge protection devices; how to repair the Diamond Coating (which is on our RV) etc. 

Last evening (Thursday) was a special presentation (speech) by Captain “Sully” Sullenberger. He was the Captain of the US Airways Airbus jet that landed in the Hudson River (New York) when both the engines of the plane were knocked out by a bird strike (large birds like Canada Geese) ten years ago. 

Some people will have seen the movie “Sully”.  His speech was very professional and touched on many issues that the audience would have liked. About 30 % of the audience was ex-military. Sully had been a fighter pilot. He touched on the value of women in society (He has two daughters in graduate school), on loyalty to the American flag, on the values that  matter - caring for others, treating people equally, and making a difference for the benefit of others in the US and around the globe. A very professional (he had tele readers) and inspiring talk that would have resonated with most of the audience (older Americans and some Canadians living in mostly large motor homes). There are about 1200 Motorhome Coaches parked here on this vast site.

It is time to move on after two days heading west for home.

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