Saturday, June 15, 2019

Moving on

It is difficult to get sufficiently fast internet to download pictures and one needs a bit of time so that is what I hope to do on this rest day prior to posting these messages. It is now day five of the first part of my solo trip. I have been averaging just over 400 KM per day which is not much and is equivalent to about four hours of driving on the Intestate. One can chug along at 100-110 KM per hour on the cruise control focussing on steering and keeping an eye out particularly for the large trucks that often overtake. It is helpful to stop every hour or so at rest stops for refreshments or even a nap. The price of gas is falling and is now equivalent to about $ 1 CDN per litre. The scenery driving up the Columbia river basin and through the Gorge is forever changing from rain forest to dry areas with much irrigation for vast areas of farming. Corn (known as maize in the UK) then into Idaho where potatoes and onions grown in vast quantities. It is now day five and I am at Ogden Utah, just north of Salt Lake City for a rest day at a Good Sam RV park with a much welcomed swimming pool. To-morrow I will go to Salt Lake City and plan to visit Temple Square - 35 acres in downtown Salt Lake City the center for the Mormon "The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints".

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